The investiture marking the formation of new “Student Council ” for the academic year 2022-2023 was solemnised in the school hall in our campus with great pomp and dignity. Mr.Anandaiah, Deputy Mayor of Corporation of Hosur was the chief guest for the ceremony.
The grand ceremony commenced with introduction of the chief guest followed by a welcome address by the school captain Arpitha.P. The principal conferred the Student Council with badges enabling the young shoulders to wield responsibility.
The chief guest Mr.Anandiah congratulated the school and house appointments and advised them to discharge their duties honestly. While Arpitha.P was appointed as School Captain , Anandhitha Balaji as School Vice Captain , Keerthan.M as School Sports Captain , Nandhakumar.K as Garnet House Captain, Shivajanani.S as Sapphire House Captain , Jaishree.J.V. as Emerald House Captain respectively. The ceremony came to a close with the vote of thanks by Anandhitha Balaji, School Vice Captain.