Investiture Ceremony 2023: Empowering Future Leaders at Innovative World School
The Investiture Ceremony stands as a pivotal event at Innovative World School heralding the onset of another academic year teeming with opportunities and endeavours. Drawing inspiration from the wise words, “While pessimists lament the wind and optimists await its change, true leaders fine-tune the sails,” we recognize and celebrate leadership that spurs others to dream, learn, and achieve more.
This ceremony formally recognizes and badges the dynamic leaders for this academic year. Entrusted with spearheading both curricular and co-curricular activities, they are set to collaborate, innovate, and orchestrate challenges, paving the way for triumphant events.
Delving into its essence, ‘Investiture’ embodies the ceremonial bestowment of authority, power, and responsibility. It echoes the sentiment that leaders are moulded through experience, not merely born. This yearly event reiterates the profound trust and confidence Innovative World School places in its freshly elected student council members. With the weight of responsibility upon their shoulders, each member vows to execute their roles diligently, always in alignment with the school’s esteemed rules and ethos.
Presided over by our respected Principal, the badging ritual conferred authority onto the newly elected young and budding visionaries. As they assume their roles as Office bearers and class representatives, they pledge to work tirelessly, ever committed to enhancing the honour and prestige of Innovative World School.